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Your Child at 3 Months
How your child socializes, plays, learns, and communicates provide important clues about your child’s development. Developmental milestones are age-specific tasks and behaviors.
Use this Developmental Checklist to track your child’s progress.
Contact Honu Intervention with any questions or concerns about your developing child. You can also download this checklist here.

Lifts head when lying on stomach
Pushes up with arms when lying on stomach
Puts weight on legs when placed on a firm surface
Hearing and Communication
Responds (pauses, turns head, shifts eye gaze) to sounds
Smiles at voice
Coos and engages in vocal play
Visual/Cognitive (attending, problem-solving, learning)
Tracks moving objects
Watches caregiver’s face
Recognizes familiar people and objects at a distance
Begins to smile at people
Imitates some facial gestures
Begins to calm self
Doesn’t startle at loud sounds
Doesn’t watch moving things
Doesn’t smile in response to others
Doesn’t support head well
Doesn’t reach for toys

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