Strategies to Motivate Your Child to Read

One of the most important traits that parents would like to develop in their children is intelligence. Reading is an important part of your developing child; reading enhances your child’s learning potential, builds a stronger relationship with you, improves basic speech skills, boosts communication skills, and advances logical thinking skills. Below are some activities to encourage behaviors including talking about what’s happening, following along in a short story, reading some sight words, and early reading.
Create books together. Build a peek-a-boo book to encourage reading sight words.
Play with letter magnets on the fridge. Start with your child’s name!
Look at pictures and encourage your child to make up a story. Prompt him with wh- questions such as, “what do you think will happen next?” “where do you think the dog is going?” “When will Johnny play with his friends?”
Play “Fill-in-the-Blank” games by reciting nursery rhymes and have your child say the missing word. For example, “Twinkle, twinkle, little ____” or “Mary had a little _____.”
Set an example for your child and read often. When she sees you reading, you are reinforcing that reading is valuable and a meaningful activity.
Read to your child at least 15 minutes each day. Pick a time and integrate it into your child’s routine. For example, before naptime or bedtime, during circle time in the morning, or during your child’s potty training routine.
Bake alphabet cookies. Label the letters as you are making them, baking them, and eating them!
Visit the library during scheduled circle time. Some children learn better when they’re engaging in reading with peers.
Make bookmarks with your child; they will want to put it to good use!
Integrate technology, but make sure you’re engaged with your child when he is exploring reading apps.
Reading [image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from